Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Re-Incarnated | Dying 1 times | 39.4% |
the Recently Deceased | Dying 2 times | 26.0% |
Joined the Choir Invisible | Dying 3 times | 21.4% |
the Unlucky Adventurer | Dying 5 times | 12.4% |
of the Daisy Pushing Clan | Dying 7 times | 7.8% |
the Corpse Dropper | Dying 10 times | 6.5% |
the Fool Who Rushes In | Dying 20 times | 3.5% |
the Blue Norwegian | Dying 30 times | 1.6% |
Pines for the Nærøyfjord | Dying 40 times | 1.6% |
the Kamikaze | Dying 50 times | 1.4% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Small and Meek | Making 1 kills | 80.4% |
the Harmless Adventurer | Making 4 kills | 64.5% |
the Mostly Harmless Adventurer | Making 64 kills | 35.9% |
the Adventurer | Making 128 kills | 30.2% |
the Above Average Adventurer | Making 256 kills | 26.7% |
the Competent Adventurer | Making 512 kills | 21.4% |
the Dangerous | Making 1024 kills | 15.9% |
the Deadly | Making 2048 kills | 11.8% |
the Elite Adventurer | Making 4096 kills | 7.4% |
the Insatiable Adventurer | Making 8192 kills | 4.8% |
the Grim Reaper of LO | Making 16384 kills | 3.5% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Player Killer | Killing 1 players | 0.9% |
the Executioner | Killing 4 players | 0.2% |
the Grim Reaper | Killing 8 players | 0.2% |
the Ripper | Killing 16 players | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Landlord | Claiming 1 zones | 12.9% |
the Enforcer | Claiming 4 zones | 8.3% |
the Squire | Claiming 8 zones | 6.0% |
the Freeholder | Claiming 16 zones | 4.6% |
of the Landed Gentry | Claiming 32 zones | 3.9% |
the Expansionist | Claiming 64 zones | 2.8% |
the Victorious | Claiming 128 zones | 1.6% |
the Valiant | Claiming 256 zones | 0.9% |
the Conquering Hero | Claiming 512 zones | 0.7% |
Champion of the Outpost | Claiming 1024 zones | 0.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the New Customer | Buying 1 items | 80.2% |
the Return Customer | Buying 2 items | 61.3% |
the Bargain Hunter | Buying 8 items | 39.4% |
the Discerning Shopper | Buying 32 items | 24.2% |
the Consumer | Buying 128 items | 14.1% |
Shop 'til You Drop! | Buying 512 items | 6.9% |
Supports The Local Economy | Buying 1024 items | 3.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Just Got Paid Today | Selling 1 items | 58.5% |
Got a Pocket Full of Change | Selling 2 items | 55.1% |
the Merchant in Training | Selling 4 items | 50.9% |
the Sales Person | Selling 8 items | 45.6% |
the Trader | Selling 32 items | 34.6% |
the Producer | Selling 64 items | 27.4% |
the Expert Trader | Selling 128 items | 21.0% |
the Captain of Industry | Selling 256 items | 17.3% |
ABS - Always Be Selling! | Selling 512 items | 10.8% |
Supports the Global Economy | Selling 1024 items | 6.9% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Leader of the Last Outpost | Reclaiming the Outpost 1 times | 1.2% |
The Once and Future LOLO | Reclaiming the Outpost 4 times | 0.9% |
Our Leader of the Last Outpost | Reclaiming the Outpost 16 times | 0.5% |
Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost | Reclaiming the Outpost 32 times | 0.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
of the Clan Council | Appointed to council 1 times | 2.1% |
the Voice of Reason | Appointed to council 2 times | 1.2% |
Il Consigliere | Appointed to council 4 times | 0.7% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
leader of the Clan | Elected leader 1 times | 1.8% |
is Back in Charge! | Elected leader 2 times | 1.2% |
the Politician | Elected leader 3 times | 0.7% |
your Fearless Leader | Elected leader 4 times | 0.5% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Inductee | Enrolling 1 times | 10.8% |
the Joiner | Enrolling 2 times | 6.5% |
the Clan Jumper | Enrolling 5 times | 2.1% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Map Seeker | Digging up 1 maps | 17.5% |
the Nighthawk | Digging up 2 maps | 13.4% |
the Treasure Hunter | Digging up 4 maps | 10.6% |
the Gold Digger | Digging up 8 maps | 7.4% |
the Cache Raider | Digging up 16 maps | 4.4% |
the Archaeologist | Digging up 32 maps | 3.0% |
the Discoverer of Antiquities | Digging up 64 maps | 2.1% |
the Relic Hunter | Digging up 128 maps | 1.4% |
the Living Atlas | Digging up 256 maps | 0.5% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Checks the Tills | Collecting 1 in Taxes | 9.2% |
the Tax Collector | Collecting 10000 in Taxes | 8.5% |
the Customs Official | Collecting 100000 in Taxes | 6.0% |
the Internal Revenue Agent | Collecting 1000000 in Taxes | 3.0% |
Represents the Establishment | Collecting 10000000 in Taxes | 0.7% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Crow | Stealing 1 in Taxes | 9.4% |
the Embezzler | Stealing 10000 in Taxes | 8.3% |
the Aku Bird | Stealing 50000 in Taxes | 5.8% |
the Robber of the Rich | Stealing 100000 in Taxes | 4.4% |
the Old Crow | Stealing 150000 in Taxes | 3.7% |
the Working Class Hero | Stealing 1000000 in Taxes | 0.9% |
Works Outside the Establishment | Stealing 10000000 in Taxes | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Headhunter | Collecting 1 Heads | 7.8% |
Gives a Mean Noogie | Collecting 8 Heads | 4.4% |
the Guillotine | Collecting 16 Heads | 3.7% |
the Trophy Seeker | Collecting 32 Heads | 3.0% |
the Headmaster | Collecting 128 Heads | 1.4% |
the Chief Headmaster | Collecting 256 Heads | 0.9% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Got a Bad Hair Cut | Losing your head 1 times | 5.1% |
Has an Itchy Neck | Losing your head 2 times | 1.6% |
the Walking Trophy Shop | Losing your head 3 times | 0.9% |
the Nearly Headless | Losing your head 4 times | 0.5% |
the Headless Hero | Losing your head 8 times | 0.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Oddly Likable | Charming 8 Mobs | 11.5% |
the Strangely Charming | Charming 32 Mobs | 8.8% |
has Magical Appeal | Charming 64 Mobs | 7.6% |
the Zoo Keeper | Charming 128 Mobs | 4.8% |
the Persuader | Charming 512 Mobs | 2.8% |
the Charismatic | Charming 1024 Mobs | 1.6% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Shows The Way to Salvation | Redeeming 8 souls | 4.8% |
Offers a Second Chance | Redeeming 32 souls | 4.1% |
Prays for Your Soul | Redeeming 64 souls | 3.9% |
the Theurgic Undertaker | Redeeming 128 souls | 2.8% |
the Necromancer | Redeeming 512 souls | 1.8% |
the Necromanteion of Acheron | Redeeming 1024 souls | 0.9% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Dragon Slayer | Slaying 1 Dragons | 14.7% |
of the Order of Cadmus | Slaying 4 Dragons | 10.4% |
of the Order of Gawain | Slaying 16 Dragons | 6.0% |
the Mighty Dragon Slayer | Slaying 64 Dragons | 3.2% |
the Bard of Lake Town | Slaying 128 Dragons | 2.8% |
the Wyrmscaler | Slaying 512 Dragons | 0.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Soothsayer | Vanquishing 1 Ghosts | 28.8% |
the Shaman | Vanquishing 8 Ghosts | 19.8% |
the Medium | Vanquishing 32 Ghosts | 12.4% |
the Ghost Whisperer | Vanquishing 64 Ghosts | 7.1% |
the Wraith Remover | Vanquishing 128 Ghosts | 5.1% |
the Ghost Buster! | Vanquishing 512 Ghosts | 1.8% |
the Honorary Winchester | Vanquishing 1024 Ghosts | 0.9% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Guild Recruit | Completing 1 Quests | 74.9% |
the Questling | Completing 4 Quests | 30.6% |
the Loyal Guild Member | Completing 8 Quests | 21.4% |
Tilts at Windmills | Completing 12 Quests | 15.4% |
the Guild's Fixer | Completing 16 Quests | 10.8% |
the Ingenious Knight of LO | Completing 24 Quests | 6.0% |
the Guild Wolf | Completing 30 Quests | 3.7% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
The Liege Lord of Flandellyn | Annexing the Fasthold 1 times | 2.1% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Master of the Guilds | Gaining 20x4 1 times | 8.8% |
the Re-master of the Guilds | Gaining 20x4 4 times | 2.5% |
the Often Educated | Gaining 20x4 8 times | 1.8% |
the Master of Graduate Studies | Gaining 20x4 16 times | 1.4% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Bright Eyed | Finding Details in 1 Rooms | 53.2% |
the Observant | Finding Details in 5 Rooms | 25.8% |
the Reader of Signs | Finding Details in 10 Rooms | 16.8% |
the Explorer | Finding Details in 50 Rooms | 8.8% |
the Investigator | Finding Details in 100 Rooms | 6.7% |
the Archaeologist | Finding Details in 200 Rooms | 3.5% |
Named The Dog Indiana | Finding Details in 300 Rooms | 2.3% |
Still Looking for Waldo | Finding Details in 400 Rooms | 1.2% |
Knows Where In The World | Finding Details in 500 Rooms | 0.7% |
Winner of the Dora Award | Finding Details in 600 Rooms | 0.7% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Civil Servant | Making 1 government decisions | 9.4% |
the Petty Bureaucrat | Making 5 government decisions | 6.7% |
the Decider | Making 10 government decisions | 5.8% |
the Little Finger of Government | Making 20 government decisions | 5.1% |
the Politician | Making 21 government decisions | 4.8% |
the Hand of the Clan | Making 40 government decisions | 3.9% |
the Chief of Staff | Making 80 government decisions | 2.3% |
the Puppet Master | Making 160 government decisions | 2.3% |
the Invisible Hand | Making 320 government decisions | 1.8% |
the Human Calculator | Making 640 government decisions | 1.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Invader | Invading 1 zones | 3.9% |
the War Chief | Invading 4 zones | 2.3% |
the Warlord | Invading 8 zones | 2.1% |
the Field Marshal | Invading 16 zones | 1.4% |
the Brigadier | Invading 32 zones | 0.9% |
the Major General | Invading 64 zones | 0.5% |
the Supreme Leader of the Allied Forces | Invading 128 zones | 0.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Barbarian | Launching 1 raids | 4.4% |
the Wanderer | Launching 4 raids | 3.9% |
the Usurper | Launching 8 raids | 3.5% |
the Conqueror | Launching 16 raids | 2.5% |
the Avenger | Launching 32 raids | 2.3% |
of Aquilonia | Launching 64 raids | 2.1% |
the Destroyer | Launching 128 raids | 1.4% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Star of the Stage | Streaming to 1 players | 8.1% |
the Protagonist | Streaming to 2 players | 1.2% |
of the Stream Actors Guild | Streaming to 3 players | 0.0% |
the Lead Performer | Streaming to 4 players | 0.0% |
This Year's Outpost Idol | Streaming to 6 players | 0.0% |
the Shameless Exhibitionist | Streaming to 8 players | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Newbie | Gaining 1 levels | 84.1% |
the Bunny Slayer | Gaining 2 levels | 69.6% |
the Grasslands Graduate | Gaining 4 levels | 50.5% |
the Skilled | Gaining 8 levels | 38.7% |
the Practiced | Gaining 16 levels | 30.9% |
the Venerable | Gaining 20 levels | 28.6% |
the Dedicated | Gaining 32 levels | 23.7% |
the Respected | Gaining 40 levels | 20.3% |
the Honorable | Gaining 60 levels | 14.1% |
is Grinding Out The Levels | Gaining 64 levels | 12.4% |
is On The Home Stretch | Gaining 75 levels | 9.2% |
the Distinguished | Gaining 80 levels | 8.1% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Rabbit Catcher | Exterminating 1 Rodents | 13.8% |
Bugs' Bane | Exterminating 2 Rodents | 12.2% |
of Mice and Men | Exterminating 4 Rodents | 10.4% |
the Champion Mouser | Exterminating 8 Rodents | 8.5% |
the Pest Stomper | Exterminating 16 Rodents | 6.2% |
Mousebeater | Exterminating 32 Rodents | 5.5% |
of Lennie's Small Guild | Exterminating 64 Rodents | 4.1% |
Mickey's Nemesis | Exterminating 128 Rodents | 3.0% |
Minnie's Sorrow | Exterminating 256 Rodents | 2.1% |
Who Killed Roger | Exterminating 512 Rodents | 1.4% |
of Fudd's Fraternal Order | Exterminating 1024 Rodents | 1.2% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Carries a First Aid Kit | Healing 8 Hitpoints | 2.8% |
the Pediatrician | Healing 16 Hitpoints | 2.8% |
Brings the Bandages | Healing 24 Hitpoints | 2.8% |
the Faith Healer | Healing 32 Hitpoints | 2.8% |
the Field Medic | Healing 64 Hitpoints | 2.8% |
Swabs the Iodine | Healing 128 Hitpoints | 2.5% |
the Bone Setter | Healing 256 Hitpoints | 2.3% |
the Physician | Healing 512 Hitpoints | 2.1% |
has the Healing Touch | Healing 1024 Hitpoints | 1.6% |
the Surgeon | Healing 4096 Hitpoints | 0.7% |
the Channels the Healing Light | Healing 8192 Hitpoints | 0.5% |
the Angel of Mercy | Healing 16384 Hitpoints | 0.2% |
Doctor for the Doomed | Healing 32768 Hitpoints | 0.0% |
Keeps Them Ticking | Healing 65536 Hitpoints | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
Needed a First Aid Kit | Receiving 8 Healing | 4.6% |
Skinned a Knee | Receiving 16 Healing | 4.4% |
the Bandaged | Receiving 24 Healing | 4.4% |
'tis But a Scratch | Receiving 32 Healing | 4.4% |
Trusts The Medic | Receiving 64 Healing | 3.7% |
Prefers Mercurochrome | Receiving 128 Healing | 3.2% |
the Splinted | Receiving 256 Healing | 3.0% |
the Impatient Patient | Receiving 512 Healing | 2.5% |
the Pincushion | Receiving 1024 Healing | 1.6% |
the Often Stitched | Receiving 4096 Healing | 0.9% |
Life is Pain | Receiving 8192 Healing | 0.2% |
the Thrice Filled Tank | Receiving 16384 Healing | 0.2% |
Got Used to It | Receiving 32768 Healing | 0.0% |
Takes a Licking | Receiving 65536 Healing | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Hero of the Day | Rescuing 1 Players | 1.8% |
the Hero of the Battle | Rescuing 2 Players | 1.4% |
the Hero of the Run | Rescuing 4 Players | 1.4% |
the Brave | Rescuing 8 Players | 1.4% |
the Fearless | Rescuing 16 Players | 0.9% |
the Fighter | Rescuing 32 Players | 0.5% |
the Snowplow | Rescuing 64 Players | 0.2% |
the Protector | Rescuing 128 Players | 0.0% |
Saves The Day | Rescuing 256 Players | 0.0% |
the Tag Team Partner | Rescuing 512 Players | 0.0% |
the Extra Tank | Rescuing 1024 Players | 0.0% |
the Bonzai Botanist | Rescuing 2048 Players | 0.0% |
Title | Earned From | Held By |
the Talented | Trying 1 Skill Affects | 7.8% |
Skipped a Grade | Trying 2 Skill Affects | 5.8% |
the Auditor of Training | Trying 4 Skill Affects | 3.5% |
Knows A Few Ring Tricks | Trying 8 Skill Affects | 2.8% |
the Purveyor of Knowledge | Trying 16 Skill Affects | 1.6% |
of the Nibelungen | Trying 24 Skill Affects | 1.4% |
the Artificer | Trying 32 Skill Affects | 1.4% |
of the Rheingold | Trying 48 Skill Affects | 0.9% |
Die Walküre | Trying 64 Skill Affects | 0.7% |
Brünnhilde's Buddy | Trying 96 Skill Affects | 0.2% |
Götterdämmerung | Trying 112 Skill Affects | 0.2% |
the Arcanist | Trying 128 Skill Affects | 0.2% |
the Ring Bearer | Trying 160 Skill Affects | 0.0% |