Players by percentage of item types seen

(Recent Players Only)

RankNameItem Percentage
1Zalyr The Liege Lord of Flandellyn93.9
2Jorus .92.5
3Leo the Talented69.4
4Rhea the Snowplow65.6
5Payback .64.0
6Thurman 60.8
7Orym the Champion Mouser46.7
8Rylaz Skipped a Grade46.0
9Ilyrra the Master of the Guilds43.2
10Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost41.9
11Sassafras 37.7
12Buddha the human Patriarch29.3
13Gild .23.6
14Rahjito the Necromanteion of Acheron 💀👼22.0
15Kytorez the Timeless Opportunist8.3
16Talison the Aku Bird7.8
17Bernard the dwarven Sorcerer2.5
18Gualay the halfling Swashbuckler2.5
19Itchibut the ogre Fighter2.2
20Corphan Bugs' Bane1.6
21Lith the elvish Pick-Pocket1.5
22Tempus the Producer1.4