Players by percentage of item types seen

(Current Era)

RankNameItem Percentage
1Zalyr The Liege Lord of Flandellyn93.9
2Jorus .92.6
3Kage the Clan Jumper70.6
4Leo the Talented69.4
5Styyn the Headmaster67.3
6Rhea the Snowplow65.6
7Payback .64.4
8Viktor the Joiner61.5
9Thurman 60.9
10Hithere the Producer60.4
11Wahooka .57.0
12Hammer .54.3
13Inconel the Rabbit Catcher52.8
14Orym the Champion Mouser46.7
15Chandra the Unicorn Whisperer46.1
16Rylaz Skipped a Grade46.0
17Morack yells,"CAPS ARE CRAPS!"45.1
18Ilyrra of the Clan Council43.5
19Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost41.9
20Godsgift the Talented41.5
21Jellybean .39.7
22Sassafras 37.7
23Sevmek of Highpoint33.2
24Xe the human Knight31.4
25Buddha the human Chaplain29.8