Players by total bankroll

(Current Era)

1Zalyr The Liege Lord of Flandellyn112984350
2Leo the Talented45854503
3Buddha the human Patriarch42543034
4Jorus .40990596
5Kage the Talented36595837
6Payback .34487189
7Jds .32602877
8Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost26440103
9Jda .22069395
10Rhea Supports The Local Economy10212731
11Jdz .9023157
12Godsgift the Talented8331573
13Hammer .7692777
14Viktor the Joiner6371559
15Dimsdale the Player Killer5502308
16Thurman 4920014
17Wahooka .4176728
18Jdr the Harmless Adventurer4003602
19Hithere the Producer3718876
20Drexel the dwarven Patriarch3629724
21Orym the Champion Mouser3539859
22Rylaz Skipped a Grade3522073
23Diva .2983406
24Jellybean .2482543
25Sinjin not Sinjen but im cool too2324396