Players by total levels

RankNameLevelsRemortsHours per Level
1Sinjen - Give us this day our daily week.1680203.4
2Wahooka 952113.1
3Umar Overlord of LO!8801016.1
4Kage 79092.4
5Bael Funny the way it is....560613.2
6Apprentice 48053.1
7Wyatt says This is Ground Zero. Shut her down!480511.0
8Goku 46452.8
9Orjin 40045.3
10Wotan the dwarven Patriarch39945.9
11Cervenka 38942.1
12Benson 320311.1
13Rahvun Colbeysson29732.9
14Issib sup29138.0
15Storm ..... :D24026.1
16Android 22721.8
17Padan Fain22622.2
18Grayle 22221.3
19Mudd the gnomish Sorcerer21721.9
20DarkenRahl 21222.3
21Aid has given up his title.21222.7
22Kobold 20421.8
23Dazed the Confused!!20322.8
24Puddy the human Bishop18521.5
25Virk 18226.7