Players by total bankroll

1Umar Overlord of LO!43014964
2Wahooka 14910524
3Wyatt says This is Ground Zero. Shut her down!11169184
4Goku 9585553
5Chandra 9384348
6Sinjen - Give us this day our daily week.7066591
7Alobar of Soap6717773
8Virk 5774064
9Apprentice 3638278
10Bael Funny the way it is....3502910
11Armond the human Pilferer2682229
12Kage 2627711
13Mudd the gnomish Sorcerer2551291
14Calandriel the Cleric!2500627
15Alais of Alba2125741
16Reht the dwarven Sorcerer2115052
17Payback 2071587
18Bilbo shouts 'Game on'1997504
19Erg 1937876
20Darknight 1653830
21Sandar the human Cut-Throat1541844
22WyattIV 1520535
23Majo the Ancient1366643
24Rhea the Blue Rose1279925
25Benson 1268579