The Thieves Roster

Note: The number is derived from both attempt and success, and from the difference in level between the thief and the victim. This number IN NO WAY represents total thefts. It is provided only to demonstrate scale over the list.

  1. 14820 Smokey says 'hi'
  2. 11241 Calin the Elf Lord
  3. 8330 Ares .
  4. 5430 Riptor .
  5. 5319 Hmmm is DaStoned [MerryMen]
  6. 4540 Gypsy looks in windows of the blissfully dead
  7. 4470 Drow the Warrior of the Mist
  8. 4050 Dragavon the Dwarven Sorcerer
  9. 3930 Phylo +
  10. 3540 Turok The Hunter
  11. 3450 Rythmor is crazy...
  12. 2716 Antichrist the Elvish Cut-Throat
  13. 2580 Vyga kill `ps aux|grep lo|awk '{print $$2}'`
  14. 2500 Kindjal the Knifer
  15. 2490 Darwin : Servant of the Great Lord
  16. 2300 Kenshiro the Elven Scoundrel
  17. 2220 Cyke .
  18. 2090 Amber the Bug Preserver
  19. 1900 Kage .
  20. 1880 Maelstorm the Elvish Filcherer

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