The Outpost Post
                                    25 May 2016

   The Mage's Guild is training in a powerful new spell!  

   Explorers, who have been extending our knowledge of the great southern
   woods, now report that they have located and mapped the western extent of
   the forest!  They return with tails of a strange land beyond that, and some
   even claim to have found what they believe to be the fabled southwestern
   passage into the great desert.  Time will tell if these stories prove true,
   but in honor of the accomplishment, the southern portion of southern woods
   has been officially renamed "Mud Lake Woods".

   The Theives Guild now offers training in the art of organized room
   searching.  The Guild says that the training is intended purely as an
   exploration tool, and is offered to help residents in their quest to reclaim
   the lands surrounding our Outpost.  Critics of the guild claim that this is
   just another excuse to train malcontents in the art of burglary.
   Have fun!
View the previous issue of the Outpost Post.